The information contained within these books is some of the most important, sought after, and suppressed knowledge in the world! It bears witness and validates the existence of a Creator - GOD!
This knowledge has been lost in linguistic translation, but is NOW available to you!
What exactly is this knowledge?
It proves beyond a doubt that there is a Creator, and that the Creator spoke everything into existence by the sound of an alphabet - the Hebrew letters! God is the code maker, using the Hebrew letters as the building blocks of all physical matter - the very instructions of ALL things that come into existence. Once you see this code you will be able to see the workings of your Creator in all things.
Ironically, the thing that people are most hungry for is the one thing that science hasn’t been able to give them. In order to find the real answer to our existence, one cannot subtract science and nature from religious and spiritual aspects because the two play hand-in-hand! And, the Hebrew letters are proof of this, which have been thought by the linguist to be man made, but have rather been endowed to us by the hand of God on stone tablets of the law given to Moses on Mount Sinai!
Why would an all–powerful, mysterious, and invisible being create the universe, and then decided not to give a single shred of evidence to its existence? However, since the beginning of time, the “powers that be” have continuously and faithfully been very busy manifesting this proof in nature. But, we must stop to take a closer look. It becomes clear that there is an underlining more advanced intelligence that is efficiently functioning outside of time, on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions, and the Creator is doing this through an all–purposeful, scientific, vibratory, and Mathematics vocabulary.
The grand purpose of this information is to ultimately unite humanity with the evidence and reality of our existence, which in turn will unite us with our creator - God!
This information provides an alternate view of seeing, acknowledging and finding God in the grand scheme, especially for those that need MORE theological and scientific evidence. I implore that God puts into the hearts and minds of people His great knowledge.
Additionally, in the other books, prophecy is talked about, Bible codes, miracles, and connected clarity of thought on biblical issues. All angles are covered, and no proof is left hidden. The books are a plethora and anthology of shared knowledge! ...and more is coming!
These are the type of books that are found within a secret library! Those that have them, safe-keep and cherish them, preserving this knowledge and sharing it with others who may be interested.
If you were searching, and have stumbled across this information then the forces that be have guided you to the answers that you seek.
If you are interested to learn more, read the books, and share!